Sheron Alter



Bringing healing energy to emotional wounds,
creating exceptional health, peace and joy. 

The most important lesson that man can learn from life, is not that there is pain in the world, but that it is possible for him to transmute it into Joy.
— Rabindranath Tagore

Sheron Alter’s destiny is to be a healer of the body and mind. Her spiritual and healing journey has been enhanced by living with and being trained by the great spiritual and healing Masters of our time. For 30 years, she has been a body-oriented therapist supporting clients to eliminate emotional suffering.

Sheron’s gift of clairvoyant perception and her psychic abilities allow her to recognize emotional wounds. She facilitates and supports the release of withheld energy and emotions leading to health, joy and freedom.

She holds Breathwork Workshops internationally. Clients experience an extraordinary depth of healing when working with Sheron.


My Spiritual Journey


In Breathwork our body always brings up the “right” material for us to be integrated in a given moment for healing to begin.

Unreleased energy can produce actual physical blocks within muscles and organs.  Each area of tension in the body blocks the natural flow of energy, creating a sense of disharmony and chronic muscular tension.  This is often the cause of dis-ease in the body and mind. 

Most people have had trauma in their lives.  It might have been the loss of a loved one, physical, verbal or sexual abuse, maybe divorce, the list is endless.

My years of dealing with my own childhood trauma has shown me that old wounds and the painful conclusions we have come to, can be healed.  

At a young age, I witnessed magical healings, including my own by Christian Science practitioners. My journey within continued to deepen after two near-death experiences, both in my 20’s; one when my kidneys failed and the other when I almost drowned. After my kidneys failed and I lay in a hospital bed in a coma, I recall rising above the bed, looking down at my body and hearing the words, “It’s time to go”, over and over. I went through a tunnel towards the light.  It was the same when I nearly drowned.

 These experiences left me with the profound experience of going beyond human boundaries, going beyond the mind, feeling joy, peace and light, recognizing that there is something beyond this physical world. When this happened, I knew there were no boundaries to my being.  

 Years later I became a student of Psychic Healer Joseph Martinez in San Francisco. I witnessed mystical, magical healings including one on my daughter who had hepatitis.  The whites of her eyes were yellow and as she lay in the midst of Joseph’s healers, the yellow turned to white.

Looking back through the years, I see the shaping of my own spirituality and clairvoyance capacities and special abilities in psychic awareness growing stronger. My abilities were becoming known to me through teachings with remarkable spiritual leaders, healers, neurophysiologic and psychoneuroimmunology therapists.

 In 1964, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gave me a mantra. When I crushed my ankle in a skiing accident it was the mantra that kept me sane through the excruciating pain. This was the beginning of my daily meditation practice.

Years later I went to a brilliant Reichian therapist and learned that the reoccurring nightmare I’d been having for 45 years had left an imprint in my subconscious mind.  With the Reichian therapist, I was able to bring the fearful episode to consciousness as an adult and the nightmare was never dreamt again.  A healing had taken place! 

This led me to study with Reichian masters and eventually became a Reichian Therapist. 

 My years of working with clients with different modalities of body-mind therapies; using my intuitive gifts and witnessing the “letting go” of trauma, has proven to me that as my grandmother taught me so long ago, that we all can heal ourselves. 

Over the years my spiritual journey was enhanced by living with Swami Muktananda Paramhansa, one of the great spiritual leaders of our time. The map of my journey became crystal clear:  my destiny was to be a healer.

I have the clairvoyant perception of seeing, hearing, and sensing the trauma of the person in front of me. This ability has served me and my clients over my years as a Reichian Breathwork therapist and Shamanic Healer.

My fortune has been in the enlightened, wise teachers who have been in my life.

I am grateful for their teachings, faith in me and their unconditional love.

I slept and dreamt that life was Joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was Joy
— Rabindranath Tagor




You are not only your genes, you are your dreams.
— Unknown

Certifications, credentials, & accomplishments:


    Radix Institute, trained in ­­applied experiential psychology and neo- Reichian Therapy, Charles (Chuck) R. Kelly, PhD.

  • Certified Biogram Therapist, biofeedback technician, studies in psychoneuroimmunology. Behavior Science Institute.  

  • Master certificate in body-oriented psychology.

  • Facilitator of Healing Workshops, using different modalities, America, England, & Mexico.

  • Trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Manager, Graduate Information Center, EST, San Francisco, California.

  • Woman Within International. Trainings and volunteer staff for WW weekend workshops.

  • Member of Board of Trustees and Board of Education, Alpine County, California

  • Bachelor of Science, Business.  University of San Francisco, California.

  • Teacher, English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Education, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho

  • Preschool teacher.  I was instrumental in establishing and teaching a successful program for young multi-handicapped children. The 3 to 5 year olds   mainstreamed with children without handicaps in a pre-school setting.  This program became the pilot program for the “Multi-Handicapped Program” for the Capistrano Beach School District.  Many schools in California adopted this program.

  • Teacher, ESL, Escuela de Boca Tomatlin, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

  • Founding member of “Feed the Children”.  All  Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

  • Liaison, project manager for the Building and Construction department for the International Friendship Club, taking care of the needs of the poorer school districts.  Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

  • Student, Academy of Arts, Photography and Film, San Francisco.

  • Student, UCLA film school, Santa Monica, CA.

  • Executive Producer/Director Solstice Productions.  Produced video tapes for Volunteer Services, State Department, Sacramento, CA. (Governor Jerry Brown’s office).  Crew taped for 5 months, a ward of 50 schizophrenic women at Napa State Hospital.

  • Photographer. I presented a slide show to community leaders exposing the deplorable, inhumane living conditions at the city dump in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  City leaders were horrified resulting in an overhaul of the dump, providing bathrooms, clean water and basically improving all living conditions.

  • Owner and co-founder of Hobie Surfboards and Hobie Cat.  I worked with my husband Hobie Alter in research, design, and marketing.

  • Siddha Yoga, Shaktipat Intensive, “The awakening of the inner spiritual journey”, Swami Muktananda. I lived in ashrams in Geneshpuri, India, South Fallsburg, New York and Santa Monica, California.

  • TM Meditation, taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yoga.